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All Photoshop Challenges

Photoshop challenges are a unique fun way of using your knowledge that you have learned from previous tutorials. We will post the challenge image and we will give you all the supporting files (actions, fonts, images, etc.), plus key information to recreate the image. It is your task to try to recreate the challenge image. Please note all of the tools that we use for a challenge are covered in previous tutorials. To review older tutorials, Left click the “All Tutorials” button located at the top of the webpage or use the following link: All Tutorials. If you reviewed the previous tutorials, recreating the image will be easy.


You will find that the challenges are NOT works of art and they were only created to help you begin to use your knowledge that you have learned over a wide range of tutorials.


If you are stumped on a certain area, please scroll down to the bottom of the challenge and read the listed hints. If the hints do not help, feel free to watch/download the Photoshop Challenge Answer Video.


Challenge #1:

Challenge #1


Challenge is based off of: Tutorials 1 through 17.

Completion Time: 3-8 Minutes.


Challenge #2:

Challenge #2

Challenge is based off of: Tutorials 1 through 19.

Completion Time: 10 minutes or 15 minutes to make it clean around the edges.


Challenge #3:

Challenge #3

Challenge is based off of: Tutorials 25 and 26.

Completion Time: 10 minutes or 15 minutes to make it look good (not perfect).




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