Mecha Mega Robot update almost done!
Here is the 4th of the Mecha MEGA Robot visual character concept art process UPDATE (there are previously posted of part 1: Mecha Robot step by step drawing, part2 Painting Mech process tutorial and part 3 Giant Robot drawing and painting process). I try as much as I can to finish it up this weekend but unfortunately...I can only find a few hours to play with it. I amped up the Machine gun, changed and tweak the design a little bit on the bottome half. It's been a really fun session creating mech since I haven't really done a full launched Mecha in a long while. A few more painted session then I think I will call it done.
ART tips: Talent is often overrated, and often deceive you. Whether you have it or not, forget that it's there. Practice, practice, and practice is only one sure way I know will make me the better artist.
Here are step by step recap
1) Thumbnail...(do about 8-10 then pick one)
2) Flesh your thumbnail out a bit
6)At this stage, I start blocking in basic values/color
So here we go, painting big shapes...
This is zoom in, you can see scribble lines everywhere. :P
Then I changed the rocket launchers to twin vents.... so it fits. :)
Close Up shot of the Mecha body
Add some spicy yummy detail onto the big shape.
(Still more paint over and tweaking to do! :P)
Closed up on the Machine's getting there.
Here is the latest UPDATE!!!
Some helpful tips on Drawin Mecha from my video tutorials:
Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet or Genius MousePen 6x8
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Professional software)
New Drawing Video tutorials:
-Painting tutorial limited color palette 001
-Portrait painting from life step by step
-Drawing body muscle and abs shading and render
-Painting from life session step by step tutorial
-Manga tutorial drawing background
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